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Avião Gulfstream IISP – Ano 1975 – 15.141 H.T.

Valor de venda + impostos para nacionalização


Moon Jet Group is “Over the moon” with being appointed to remarket this fantastic and very well maintained 1975 Grumman Gulfstream G-1159 GII aircraft.

This particular Gulfstream GII aircraft has been up until recently, operated as a private jet charter aircraft for a respectable and well established Charter Company in the USA. You can just tell by looking at this Gulfstream aircraft that it has been looked after at all times to extremely high standards.


Total Time: 15.141,5
Airframe Notes

15.141,5 Hours Total Time (as of 01/22/2016 status sheet)
8.128 Landings Total (as of 01/22/2016 status sheet)
Engine 1

Engine 1 Time 10,542 SNEW
Engine 1 TBO 8,000
Engine 1 Cycles Since Overhaul 7,217
Engine 2

Engine 2 Time 10,542 SNEW
Engine 2 TBO 8,000
Engine 2 Cycles Since Overhaul 7,230
Additional Equipment

Aviation Partners Winglets
45,000 FT Max altitude
High gross weight mod
RVSM certified
Universal TAWS with MFD 640
Flight ID with enhanced surveillance
TCAS II with Change 7
Dual Universal UNS-1C
Dual Litton LTN92 Platforms
Dual Collins VHF22D
Radios with 8.33 triple channel spacing
Airshow 400

Year Painted: 2011
Exterior Notes: Good

Interior Notes: Good
Status Assigned

Certificate Issue Date 2023-12-18
Airworthiness Date
Last Action Date 2023-12-18
Expiration 2030-12-31
Registry Source FAA
A aeronave acima é de terceiros, os dados estão sujeitos a verificação.

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Informações de Contato
Nome Completo: Paulo Henrique Ribeiro Weber Filho
País:   Outros/Others
Estado:   Outros/Others
Cidade:   Outros/Others
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Anunciado em 15/08/2024 | Visualizações: 208 | Anúncio nº 25570
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