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Beechcraft King Air – Ano 1981 – 6.395 H.T.

Preço: US$1.295.000,00

*Ex works
Valor de venda + impostos para nacionalização.

Total Time: 6,395
Total Landings: 6,437
Basic Empty Weight: 7,236 lb
Complete Logs: Yes
Landing Gear Overhaul: Yes
Landing Gear Cycles Since Overhaul: 33

Engine 1
Engine 1 Make/Model: PRATT & WHITNEY PT6A-135A
Engine 1 Time: 2,809 SMOH
Engine 1 TBO: 3,600
Hot Section Time 1: 790

Engine 2
Engine 2 Make/Model
Engine 2 Time: 2,809 SMOH
Engine 2 TBO: 3,600
Hot Section Time 2: 790

Prop 1 Manufacturer: HARTZELL
Prop 1 Model: HC-B4TN-3B
Prop 1 Time: 15 SMOH
Prop 2 Manufacturer: HARTZELL
Prop 2 Time: 15 SMOH
Number of Blades: 4

Flight Deck Manufacturer/Model: GARMIN G500
Primary Flight Display 1 Manufacturer/Model: GARMIN
Multi-Function Display 1 Manufacturer/Model: AVIDYNE EX500
GPS 1 Manufacturer/Model: GARMIN GTN 750
GPS 2 Manufacturer/Model: GARMIN GTN 650
Transponder 1 Manufacturer/Model: GARMIN GTX345R
Transponder 2 Manufacturer/Model: GARMIN GTX325
Autopilot Manufacturer/Model: SPERRY SPZ200
Garmin GMA 35C Audio Panel
Garmin 510 Flight Stream
Garmin GDL 69A
Garmin GTP 59 OAT
Garmin GAD 43
Altitude Pre Select
406 Mhz ELT
Sperry Color Radar

Additional Equipment
Pressurized: Yes
Flight Into Known Icing (FIKI): Yes
Inadvertent Ice Protection: Yes
Heated Windshield
Oxygen System
Wing Ice Lights
Raisbeck Dual Strakes
Raisbeck High Flotation Gear ● Passenger Headset Jacks
Factory Freon A/C
Wingtip Strobe Lights
LED Position Lights
LED Taxi/Landing Lights
Rosen Visors
Aft Baggage
USB Charging Ports Cockpit and Cabin
Dual Folding Executive Tables
Engine Plugs and Pitot Covers
5 Passenger Seats w/ Belted Potty
Forward Refreshment
Engine plugs and covers

Year Painted: 1999

Year Interior: 1981
Number of Seats: 5
Configuration: Passenger
Galley: Yes
Galley Configuration: Forward
Lavatory: Yes
Lavatory Configuration: Aft
Interior Notes: New carpet and lower side panels in 2021

Dual Aft Body Strakes: Yes
High Flotation Gear Doors: Yes

Inspection Status
Phase 1&2 In Progress
Phase 3&4 Due March 2025
Gear Overhaul Completed April 2023
Due Items On Aircraft Status List Sheet Will Be Complied With During Phase 1&2 Inspections

A aeronave acima é de terceiros, os dados estão sujeitos a verificação.

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Informações de Contato
Nome Completo: Paulo Henrique Ribeiro Weber Filho
País:   Outros/Others
Estado:   Outros/Others
Cidade:   Outros/Others
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